A Practical Handbook for the Making of Artworks
1999 - 2003
Pen on paper, photographs, photocopies, text, postcards, black and white paper
30 x 21 cm, 110 pages
Also titled 'The Quandary of Painting' this was an unbound visual book with four chapters: Representation? The Grid (Failed Representation?), History Possibility? and Nothing. This work explored ideas for the making of artworks, some were realised, some were not and some are still being realised.
A Practical Handbook for the Making of Artworks / detail
1998 - 2003
Photograph, pen on paper
30 x 21 cm (ea)
Also titled 'The Quandary of Painting' a photograph of a shadow theatre juxtaposed with text reading Title - Description or Subject / Description of Subject / Name of Artist / Title as Artist etc. from chapter 1 Representation?
A Practical Handbook for the Making of Artworks / detail
Pen on paper
30 x 21 cm
Also titled 'The Quandary of Painting' top Sky Piece a monochrome painting and below an abstract installation using different types of paint on various boards, with associations to the sky, from chapter 1 Representation?